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Monday, February 25, 2013

California Forms Statewide ICD-10 Collaborative As It Will Have Major Effects on Operations and Revenue Streams–Help and Support for Smaller Providers

Ok this is getting a little more attention as the time comes near.  The collaborative is being lead by St. Josephs and a few other larger imageinstitutions.  Holy Moly if this gets implemented on time.  I do wonder if deadlines might be extended here too.  It was done once and we do have those insurance exchanges on the plate too.  All of this is one heck a lot of coding and integration work in Health IT at one time.  How many CIOS might consider retiring this year or maybe just walking?  The top IT folks at the VA have already announced they are out of there in DC.  Folks not in this side of the business still don’t get it, “the short order code kitchen burned down years ago and there was no fire sale”.  I heard rumblings from various vendors about that, more at the link below. Helps when you have technologists at the top who understand this and then you don’t get statements as such.  BD 

Speed Up Rate of Change in Health IT?–“Short Order Code Kitchen Burned Down a Few Years Ago and There Was No Fire Sale”..IT Infrastructure Chance and Revisions Takes a Lot of ”Code”, “Time” and “ Most Importantly Money”

OAKLAND, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A statewide consortium of California healthcare providers and payers have formed the California ICD-10 Collaborative to increase efficiencies and significantly reduce implementation time and costs associated with ICD-10 compliance. Benefits of converting to the ICD-10 coding system by October 2014 as required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) include increased specificity in clinical information that can lead to more accurate and timely reimbursements.

As part of its launch, the Collaborative is holding an educational webinar for current members and non-members on February 27, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. The webinar will include an introduction and overview of the Collaborative and updates from three core workgroups: testing, education and training, and communications and outreach. California stakeholders may register for the membership community and informational webinar at

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