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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Glaxo Drug Tests Put on Hold for Multiple Sclerosis After Claims of Fraud In Scientific Paper–Researcher Fired in China

Glaxo in the UK was reviewing the data on the drug which was in early clinical trials.  Someone gave Glaxo a tip on the data and information being imagemisrepresented and fired the researcher.  The company has not stopped tests and will continue to study for use with other auto-immune diseases.  The researcher denies falsifying any data in the reports. 

We have heard this time after time with science and medical journals. so much to the point to where PLOS one published a paper on who to look for P Values that have been “fiddled” with in the area of showing value.  BD

PLOS One Abstract–Methodology for Detecting Manipulation of “P Values” To Show Significant Statistical Value, “Inappropriate Fiddling” Which Can Lead to “Algo Duping” Situations And Numbers

GlaxoSmithKline has put on hold tests on human volunteers of an experimental compound for multiple sclerosis, after claims of fraud in a scientific paper that led it to dismiss its top researcher in China.

The UK company said it was reviewing the data on GSK 2618960, which was in early stage clinical trials as a compound using a mechanism identified in the paper published in 2010 in the journal Nature Medicine.

Despite the apparent falsification, research has confirmed the potential for the possible drug which is being studied by GSK and other pharmaceutical companies

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