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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Innovation Director at CMS Resigning, Innovation Requires Useful Context to Succeed And Be Viable, A Challenge in Today’s Complex World

He came from private industry and perhaps this is where he may return.  We have seen this before and another example was Steve Larsen with HHS, who now sits as a Vice President of United Healthcare.  He was accredited with writing a great deal of the healthcare reform law. 

US Health Insurance Regulator Leaving to Take a Job at UnitedHealth Care As Vice President of the Optum Division – Moving to the “For Profit Side” With Business Intelligence Algorithm Dollars To Review

Innovation today certainly spurs analytics and some is good and some is well just there.  Innovation needs context to gain momentum and use and all of it may lack the proper context to where it really stands to be beneficial.  Innovations I think tends to be over used at times and we can innovate until our heads spin but until the context of where the products or computer code is useful, it kind of just sits there, in other words is it useful and where?  With the emergence of big data there are certainly some good opportunities out there to find information that has been buried but is all of is going to have earth shattering results?  Probably not so innovation needs context to be useful. 

Big Data, Flawed Data, Business Intelligence, Where’s The Future and What Has Been Our Past…A World With ”Algo Duping” of Society and Consumers

In addition with all the complexities of Health IT today, innovation is getting a bit more complicated as well in some areas, a far cry from where it was 10 years ago or less.  So to be innovative today, it takes getting a lot of data ducks in a row for the most part.  Again, some of this is a numbers game with using the brains of many to see what fits and sticks and there have been some good things happening for sure.  it does take time and a lot of failed projects to get there but we live in world that is moving so quickly that impatience adds yet another element to the puzzle.  We hear about all the new “data” being available for developers and key question here might be “where’s the context” and value? 

From the other side of the coin too people in IT still need to earn a living and pay bills so again how long will this continue with getting free or inexpensive developers to continuously work on such projects?  Sometimes what ends up happening is that you have developers with full time jobs who work on projects n the side, and then there’s the “Cash for Code” corporate model that pays a bit of money but in essence doesn’t do much for the innovation job market either and insurers and corporations benefit with buying “cheap code”. 

Verizon Latest to Enter “Code for Cash” Prize Format With $1 Million Top Pay Out for Writing Healthcare Apps That Use Their Platform, Is This the New “Corporate Business Model” To Yield Inexpensive Code?

So I can see some of the frustration here with the impatience and perhaps expectations desired falling into a time frame that maybe is too rigid. It’s not the data that is exciting, but rather the models that are created that can make it mean something and create some value. Right now the country and maybe the world is off balance with tangibles and intangibles with far too many making a buck off of flipping an analytical algorithm and I think some of this would be beneficial if it were balanced and used with R and D and bringing more tangibles into the US manufacturing world rather than just some more analytical algorithms that get hyped and marketed and basically just move more money from consumers to the 1% side. 

There’s a lot of black swans running around out there as well that come out of nowhere, either an actual physical event or some rogue algorithms that nobody planned for that can shake up the economy and world.  Black Swan events are major events that take us by surprise, but afterwards yield clear explanations as to why they happened. Examples include the 9/11 attacks, the rise of the Internet and World War I.BD

“It’s Not the Data, It’s the Models Stupid”-Big Data Helps But It Is Not the Answer

The innovation center charged by the health reform law with finding solutions to the toughest questions in health care — how to reduce costs and change the way health care is delivered — is losing its first leader.

Rick Gilfillan, who has led the Department of Health and Human Services’ Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation since it was established in 2010, plans to leave at the end of June, according to an internal memo obtained by POLITICO.

Gilfillan, who has experience as a family doctor, will pursue “new opportunities,” Tavenner wrote in the memo. Before joining the Obama administration, he was president and CEO of Geisinger Health Plan, where he helped design a bundled payment system.

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